Old Providence here I come | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
raimund,rocky,teeny COOL AND EASY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My name is Raimund Gerstner,I am german,52 years old,living in the northeast of colombia.my real home is OLD PROVIDENCE ISLAND a precious little island 150 miles east of the coast of nicaragua.a paradise of beauty,peace and authenticity,seemingly lost in place and time.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-odiese homepage gehoert Raimund Gerstner,52 jahre alt,wohnsitz Kolumbien.reisen bringt mein job und das land mit sich,meine wahre heimat ist OLD PROVIDENCE,150 meilen vor der kueste nicaraguas, eine schatzinsel besonderer art.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-esta pagina abrio Raimund Gerstner,52 anos,viviendo hace 27 anos en el noroeste de colombia.mi verdadera patria es la ISLA PROVIDENCIA,una isla de tesoros muy especialeso-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISLA DE PROVIDENCIA 13 21N,81 22W OLD PROVIDENCE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
no one knows for shure if Henry Morgan,the famous caribbean pirat,left his treasure in providence island,but there is(no doubt about it))still a wonderful treasure there:the beautiful music for everyone to enjoy.the people from the island,as diverse as ever,all have one thing in common,they love music.music has a timeless appeal.people come and go,a good song never dies.nadie sabe con seguridad si henry morgan,el famoso pirata del caribe,dejo su tesoro enterrado en Providencia,pero hay(sin lugar a dudas),aun un gran tesoro alli:la hermosa musica que todos disfrutan.oooooein 28 meilen langes, vorgelagertes riff,weisse sandstraende,klares smaragdgruenes wasser,fantastische unterwasserlandschaften mit einer vielfalt und reichtum an meerestieren ,laden ein zum schwimmen,schnorcheln und tauchen. ISLAND BOOK open the book good view hills bright blue sky beneath the mango trees under the coral reef rocking the baby to sleep the singer music | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
THE PEOPLE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PROVIDENCE TALK... | breda king sen out iz sorvant,an wail ing sen out ing sorvant,tu kom doun an si wat myuuzik woz dat,hout der pliein,di sorvant kom an di myuuzik woz suo swiit,dat di sorvant neva ritorn bak. Tale,anansi and king's son .meine interessen:segeln in der karibik,lesen in der haengematte,schnorcheln am riff,musik machen mit den barefoot brothers in bottom house tribute to all the musicians,singers and songwriters from old providence who,in the spirit of friendship and joy sat so many times in the shade of the mango trees to sing and play their simple but great songs.some of them have passed away ,but their songs are still part of the air as the smell of the sea and the llaughter of the children the combined landmass comprises 18 square kilometers of volcanic origin,with hills covered with lush vegetation inviteing to walk,wilderness hiking and horseback riding.the 17th century West Indies, spanisch and english influences are still evident in the local population.english and spanish are both spoken. abre el libro hermosas vistas cielo azul bajo el arbol de mango bajo el arrecife arullando al nino el cantante musica
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